Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I'm so excited!! Tomorrow my little one turns 1 and were planning a BBQ for him on Saturday (: We decided on a theme last week....Toy Story 3! I really wanted the theme to be Phineas and Ferb but my mom said that would be more my thing. :x Either way Toy Story is adorable so it's a win! So till the weekend we'll be planning and getting everything ready for the party.

The cake: I really want to get a cup-cake-cake! My mom looked at some at HEB and said they had one that has 35 and she thinks that's not enough cupcakes! Wish me luck on finding a cake.

Have fantastic day!


H.R said...

Such a cute girl! Marry me or join my blog?

Kristie said...

Happy birthday to your little one!